Friday, August 24, 2012

Nobel laureate Poet Rabindranath Tagore introduced microcredit over 100 years ago
“Rabindranath Tagore’s contribution to core financial sector is another reason to remember him, even when today’s hot topics like microfinance come across for discussions. A document, found in 2009 in Bilkrishnapur village under Raninagar Upazila of Naogaon district, shows that Tagore’s effort to bring common people financial comfort goes beyond the usual periphery of a poet where his role is more prominent as social reformist than a Nobel laureate in literature.

The document, actually some account statements of Kaligram (Patisar) Krishi Bank and Shilaidaha Estate, also indicates that the concept of collateral free micro-credit to rural borrowers originated from Tagore’s philanthropic activities when he founded the Kaligram Krishi Bank back in 1905 in village Patishar in Naogaon district.
Tagore exponent and president of the managing committee of Rabindranath Krishi College in Naogaon”

With a brief visual intro to Bangladesh, we present extracts of Pause-It News or, positive news items
For the innovators, actors, market researchers, analysts’ and leaders that in emerging BOP markets, it
Snapshots a fast growing, shifting, dynamic robust BOP-space of four billion with enormous market potentials – labor pool, innovations pursuits at local levels, modes of social protocols and networks, prospective rural markets
Spearheads to help the Policy Regime opening up opportunities while setting a standard in business
Helps establish a social protocol in diffusion of knowledge (what we know now) in order to have better understanding of BOP-consumers and –markets’ potentials, global trends, science and technological options to relate people from know-how to do-how
Informs people and provides back-up supports to inspire new thinking, look at new ideas, appreciates interactions for better questions, and aspires strategic communication for social action in between people in the public and private domains
Integrates the local needs and aspirations with social governance based on community responsibilities rested in the larger questions,
Aggregates information, data, policy-briefs, case studies of best practices, and policy instruments at one place scattered around the sources for visual demonstrations and one-stop documentation as decision-support tools
Reflects on ‘what-works’ and what works-not” depending on
Inculcates a moderate national mind towards an inclusive plural society, common-sense attitude and aptitude of people based on the Fundamental Principles of the Human Rights and informed  choices ...

Focusing on the bottom-line, we take a laymen’s approach of inventory before we plan, strategize and do.

Also see my posts: 
12 Manage: <>

On Real-time Info-Needs on Customers’ Intelligence, Potentials and Trends in Niche BOP-Market space

We start with a set of critical questions:
How to keep track of the trends shaping the global business world?
What else can help us make more of a business mind?
How to relate people with products and services to sell to markets?
What can help us set a standard of our own?  
What is our niche market in the robust BOP marketplace of four billions?
In what aspect the Country is affluent in the global view?
What are the dominant industries and the driving forces around in the BOP market economies?
Is it possible to turn agriculture into a niche market?
What are the mechanisms to drive our core knowledge industries with innovations – R&D, real-time information and technologies supported through local insights?
 How to stay ahead on top of the emerging BOP market trends?
How to prepare a value chain as a sort of social software supporting network?
How to expert-handle the internal (and external) forces to manhandle the process?

Seeks to identify the stumbling blocks that stand on the way – local/social/national/regional/global:
Top-down forces in form of procedural delays, rules and regulations, new norms
Bottom-up forces such as public opinions, public perception, ....
Emotional forces at work in people’s mind
Belief-systems of people and the kind of trust people put in public matters
Financial Literacy of People
Opportunities and Openings
Economic and Social Standing
Resource-base or, Back-up
Expertise & Proficiency-levels
Mental Literacy to be reasonable,
Ecological literacy to make one’s decisions and moves to be eco-friendly, popular and sustainable
Development Education to be capable enough to work with professionalism and confidence
Trainings & Exposures – having the foundation of using theory in practice for results to lead the process

Level of Motivation ...
Knowledge-base ...
Human Spirits and Energy Levels ...
Accountability ...
Transparency ...
Development Sustainability ...

In a BOP-Learning Lab we learn from Stuart Hart, helps in creating and leading a team that makes the future happen in BOP markets  …


The Base of the Pyramid (BOP) – the reperceiving business from bottom-up, in GBN Working Paper, May 2003, Nicole Boyer of GBN Business Network showed ‘seven ways to get your feet wet in BOP Market’:
Lessons for Multi National Corporations from Markets at the Bottom of the Pyramid By C.K. Prahalad, Sep 23, 2009:: In this excerpt from his book, C.K. Prahalad explains that the choices at the Bottom of the Pyramid are simple: either change your management systems to cut costs or lose significant amounts of money.

WHAT WORKS: <,+THE+EMERGING+TRENDS+%26+BOP+MARKETPLACES&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShUseLeb-LKVyVwXnJFCa3VVkc7hBu33HsYotDRk8x-NhpIxKvLNVBhJxu8VvqS3DhbXl-kEJ6liO4cMDLqzC1ewLMwJdVLzTYKGQ1CUzMog-DyYLmyaI9vl-knfhY35uGGfW6H&sig=AHIEtbSp2U7EUiZZ1PnCnln6dpdSwnHRNg>

Introduce: <>

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